As you may have heard, two people heard the humming noise of ducks and started an argument over whether the sound came from the air passing through their beak or their wings. The chief calls a great council to settle the matter. The people from all the nearby villages attend and again they argue and cannot agree. Eventually, the argument leads to some people moving far from this land and they began to speak differently. Eventually, other languages formed and we cannot understand each other.
A tale from the Salishan

Learning Outcomes
- Understand the nature of human language and animal communication.
- Describe the defining features of human language.
- Describe the neuroanatomy of language in the human brain.

Activities for week 5
- Read Chapter 4: The Biological Basis of Language
- Animal Communication
- Defining Language
- The Origins of Language

Activities for week 6

Learning Activities
- Complete the formative H5P activity to understand the neuroanatomy of the brain and language areas of the brain
Neuroanatomy of Language
Neuroanatomy of the Brain